Autoderm's AI and the myGP app by iPlato Revolutionize skin health

Article date
June 11th, 2024

The myGP app by iPlato a Huma company, has an impressive user base of over 3 million subscribers, and has significantly enhanced the accessibility and quality of healthcare services. In the app you can book GP appointments, get NHS online prescriptions, patient access to medical records, track your weight and check any skin ailments with Autoderm.

Autoderm skin scanner is a standout feature in the myGP app, it uses cutting-edge technology designed to triage skin conditions efficiently and accurately. This innovative solution has been instrumental in transforming dermatological care, particularly in identifying and managing skin cancers. The technology is not intended to substitute a doctor's visit, but get the right patient to the right level of care at the right time.

Autoderm AI Dermatology Engine


The Autoderm AI Dermatology Engine is research backed and state-of-the-art skin scanner that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze skin conditions. Its primary function is to assist in the early detection of various dermatological issues, such as inflammatory skin problems, skin infections, skin cancers such as melanoma and genital concerns.

Since its integration in the myGP app, Autoderm has screened over 370,000 skin images. On average, around 500 individuals use the skin scanner daily, highlighting its popularity and the trust users place in this technology.

Accuracy and Efficiency: The AI engine is designed to deliver high accuracy in its assessments, providing users with quick and reliable results. This efficiency is crucial for early detection and timely intervention, which can significantly improve patient outcomes. The AI model has been researched in a clinical GP setting and the results published in Nature, where the accuracy was on par with experienced GPs. It was not as good as a tele- dermatologist, however a GP with the aid of Autoderm as a decision support tool, could have prevented 34% referrals to a dermatologist and helped the GP diagnose patients correctly in 60% of the skin disease cases.

May myGP app Scanning Results

We have looked at the data from May 2024: a total of 18359 analyses were done.

Distribution of disease types by categories detected in myGP app during the month of May 2024.
Fig: Top prediction counts in myGP app during the month of May 2024, averaged by the estimated amount of images sent by a user, lower-bound estimate.

Melanoma Detection

Autoderm identified 79 cases of melanoma, about 2-3 per day. Considering that in the UK, approximately 46 melanomas are diagnosed daily, this statistic shows that about 5% of melanomas in the UK population are found via the myGP app. It underscores the critical role Autoderm plays in early detection, which is vital in managing melanoma, as it greatly increases the chances of successful treatment.

Fig: Examples of Melanoma cases, validated and rights reserved by FirstDerm (c).


It is estimated that there are only 750 dermatologists in the UK and the waiting time to see one can take many months. There are no screening programs for melanoma or any other cancers, because the research has not shown the benefits versus the risks. If a patient has a suspicious lesion they will need to turn to their GP. Recent reports have shown that 1 in 10 faces a three-week wait for a GP appointment.

A positive finding from our results show that there is an “over weight” of benign skin tumours. Seborrheic keratosis is a typical lesion that can look bad, but it is very common, it is not contagious or dangerous and can be easily removed by scraping them off by your local GP.

“Using AI to screen for skin ailments is not intended to substitute a GP or a dermatologist appointment, but to build patient awareness, education and get them into a GP office without delay for a definite diagnosis and care. ”

In the myGP app there is also a function to ask a real online dermatologist for further clarification provided by First Derm.

The partnership between myGP and the Autoderm represents a significant advancement in digital healthcare. By providing users with a reliable, efficient, and an accurate tool for skin condition screening, the myGP app ensures that its subscribers have access to cutting-edge technology that can potentially save lives. The impressive detection rates, particularly the estimated identification of 5% of melanomas in the UK population, highlights an example where AI in healthcare has clear benefits. As the technology continues to evolve, Autoderm is at the forefront, setting new standards in the early detection and management of dermatological conditions. The partnership with the myGP app lets Autoderm reach millions of people effortlessly.

The myGP app by iPlato a Huma company, has an impressive user base of over 3 million subscribers, and has significantly enhanced the accessibility and quality of healthcare services. In the app you can book GP appointments, get NHS online prescriptions, patient access to medical records, track your weight and check any skin ailments with Autoderm.

Autoderm skin scanner is a standout feature in the myGP app, it uses cutting-edge technology designed to triage skin conditions efficiently and accurately. This innovative solution has been instrumental in transforming dermatological care, particularly in identifying and managing skin cancers. The technology is not intended to substitute a doctor's visit, but get the right patient to the right level of care at the right time.

Autoderm AI Dermatology Engine


The Autoderm AI Dermatology Engine is research backed and state-of-the-art skin scanner that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze skin conditions. Its primary function is to assist in the early detection of various dermatological issues, such as inflammatory skin problems, skin infections, skin cancers such as melanoma and genital concerns.

Since its integration in the myGP app, Autoderm has screened over 370,000 skin images. On average, around 500 individuals use the skin scanner daily, highlighting its popularity and the trust users place in this technology.

Accuracy and Efficiency: The AI engine is designed to deliver high accuracy in its assessments, providing users with quick and reliable results. This efficiency is crucial for early detection and timely intervention, which can significantly improve patient outcomes. The AI model has been researched in a clinical GP setting and the results published in Nature, where the accuracy was on par with experienced GPs. It was not as good as a tele- dermatologist, however a GP with the aid of Autoderm as a decision support tool, could have prevented 34% referrals to a dermatologist and helped the GP diagnose patients correctly in 60% of the skin disease cases.

May myGP app Scanning Results

We have looked at the data from May 2024. A total of 18359 analyses were done.

Fig: Distribution of disease types by categories detected in myGP app during the month of May 2024.
Fig: Top prediction counts in myGP app during the month of May 2024, averaged by the estimated amount of images sent by a user, lower-bound estimate.

Melanoma Detection

Autoderm identified 79 cases of melanoma, about 2-3 per day. Considering that in the UK, approximately 46 melanomas are diagnosed daily, this statistic shows that about 5% of melanomas in the UK population are found via the myGP app. It underscores the critical role Autoderm plays in early detection, which is vital in managing melanoma, as it greatly increases the chances of successful treatment.

Fig: Examples of Melanoma cases, validated and rights reserved by FirstDerm (c).


It is estimated that there are only 750 dermatologists in the UK and the waiting time to see one can take many months. There are no screening programs for melanoma or any other cancers, because the research has not shown the benefits versus the risks. If a patient has a suspicious lesion they will need to turn to their GP. Recent reports have shown that 1 in 10 faces a three-week wait for a GP appointment.

A positive finding from our results show that there is an “over weight” of benign skin tumours. Seborrheic keratosis is a typical lesion that can look bad, but it is very common, it is not contagious or dangerous and can be easily removed by scraping them off by your local GP.

“Using AI to screen for skin ailments is not intended to substitute a GP or a dermatologist appointment, but to build patient awareness, education and get them into a GP office without delay for a definite diagnosis and care. ”

In the myGP app there is also a function to ask a real online dermatologist for further clarification provided by First Derm.

The partnership between myGP and the Autoderm represents a significant advancement in digital healthcare. By providing users with a reliable, efficient, and an accurate tool for skin condition screening, the myGP app ensures that its subscribers have access to cutting-edge technology that can potentially save lives. The impressive detection rates, particularly the estimated identification of 5% of melanomas in the UK population, highlights an example where AI in healthcare has clear benefits. As the technology continues to evolve, Autoderm is at the forefront, setting new standards in the early detection and management of dermatological conditions. The partnership with the myGP app lets Autoderm reach millions of people effortlessly.